What Is Beer League Hockey?

Do you want to play hockey? So you like drinking beer? Are you wondering if beer league hockey is something that you would enjoy but you’re not sure what it is? We’ve got some answers for ya bud. 

Beer league hockey is adult recreational hockey. Usually, you must be 19 years or older to join and there are no gender restrictions. These leagues are called beer league hockey because of the culture that surrounds these leagues. It is normal to have a cooler full of beer waiting in the locker room after the game for the team to either celebrate or drink away their loss. Often times teams are named after popular beers or even sponsored by a bar 

Continue reading to learn more about beer league rules, how to get started, and etiquette. 

Why Do They Call It Beer League?

Beer league hockey is an adult recreational hockey league that is fun and competitive but almost always ends in at least one beer in the locker room. We call it beer league hockey because of the culture that surrounds these leagues. 

Most of the time the teams in the leagues are named after popular beers but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes bars or breweries will sponsor teams by purchasing their jerseys in exchange for the team being named after that bar or a beer that they sell.

It’s good advertising for the bars and breweries. 

Locker room beers are one of the best parts of the game when it comes to beer league hockey. It’s a great team bonding time to talk about the game. The good parts and the bad parts. A beer or two or three make the bad parts seem not so bad afterward. 

I would be lying if I said I didn’t know a few players to bring a beer to the bench. I would also be lying if I told you that I haven’t chugged a beer or two in between periods on the bench. 

We call it beer league hockey for a reason!

Is Beer League Hockey Fun?

Beer league hockey is a ton of fun especially if you get on the right team. I’ve played on a team that I have really enjoyed for about 5 years now. We have replaced a few players here and there but for the most part, our core has stuck together and it has been so much fun. 

I do not want to miss our games, it’s something I look forward to throughout the entire week. We play in a well-managed league so the games are all really close. There are not really any teams in our league that are way out of balance. The commissioner does a great job of vetting people which makes it extremely fun to play against other teams of your same skill level.

A few of the guys on our team have played in tournaments where teams were not appropriately ranked and they have gotten stomped!

That is when beer league becomes way less fun. When you play against a team that you have zero chance of beating.

Before you join a league you should ask a few guys that have played in the league for a little while what they think. Ask them if the teams have skill levels that are all relatively close. 

That being said, when you play against players who are clearly better than you that will eventually make you better. You just have to go through a period of suffering. I really like to practice with people who are much better than me. I don’t really like to actually play in a league though with teams who are at drastically different skill levels. That does make the game less fun. 

But, you can always have a beer after a tough loss! 

Is Beer League Hockey Competitive?

Yes, beer league hockey can be competitive. Especially if the leagues are managed well. Rinks should have varying skill levels that players can join. They can be ranked from beginners all the way up to invite-only leagues. 

Invite-only leagues are usually ex-college players and even some ex-pro players. 

Every rink will have different levels of skill. At the rink we play at we have about 14 different levels. These are a novice, beginner, beginner+, D, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, B, A, Invite only, 35+, and 50+. 

So there is a wide range of different skill levels. As long as the league manager is doing his job and keeping the teams balanced you will find that beer league hockey is competitive.

I’m all good with a little bit of physical play, going hard for the puck and trying to win. That’s what makes a fun and competitive hockey game. 

But, you will also find a handful of guys that take the game way too seriously. You could say they are a tad too competitive. 

It’s like they think there are NHL scouts in the stands who are looking for players who have grit and they are going to “goon” their way into the NHL. Every league has a few but for the most part, you will find good guys on beer league hockey teams who have families to go home to and they aren’t looking to board anybody or get boarded.

Are There Fights In Beer League Hockey?

The rules absolutely do not allow fighting in beer league hockey. According to USA Hockey, Rule 615; a punch or an attempted punch thrown by any player in the direction of an opponent, regardless if contact is made, is considered fighting. 

USA hockey considers this to be a major penalty plus a game misconduct. This is also the case if you choose to retaliate. The referee can use discretion to determine if you are continuing to instigate the situation and can assess a penalty to you as well. 

If you do not retaliate in any way you will not be penalized for another player being aggressive towards you. 

But we all know that rules don’t stop things from happening sometimes. 

It is not unusual for there to be a scuffle or two during a game. It’s rare that there is a full-blown fight but it is normal for some pushing and shoving to happen. 

What Gear Do I Need To Play Beer League Hockey?

If you are looking to play in a league you are going to need a full set of gear. This includes:

  • Skates
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Stick
  • Pants
  • Shin Guards
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder pads (some people don’t wear these but I think thats crazy)
  • Cup
  • Mouthguard

For a more detailed dive into the gear you need to start playing hockey check out this post.

I’ve played with a few guys that don’t wear shoulder pads. The reason that they give is “oh, it’s just beer league. There is no checking.” While that is true, it’s also true that some people don’t know how to control their shots. I’ve been hit in the chest a few times with a decently heavy shot. I’ve also been run into a few times, not on purpose but it still happens.

Other things that you will also need are stick tape and sock tape. You can always bum some off of the guys in the locker room but you don’t want to instantly be known as the sock tape guy. 

What Is Beer League Hockey?

Beer league hockey is adult recreational hockey that can be joined by anyone that is 19 years old and above. There are no gender limits and there is a wide range of skill levels. Beer is part of the post-game festivities, and even sometimes pre-game festivities. 

Beer league hockey is a lot of fun and can be competitive. Fighting is not allowed and neither is checking. However, sometimes both of those things do happen. But at the end of the day, you should be able to go into the bar and shake the other person’s hand over a beer. 

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